Film Enthusiasts Club Charter

Article I: Name and Purpose

Section 1: Name

The official name of this organization shall be the „Film Enthusiasts Club.”

Section 2: Purpose

The purpose of the Film Enthusiasts Club is to provide a platform for individuals who share a passion for cinema to come together, explore diverse cinematic experiences, and engage in meaningful discussions.

Article II: Mission Statement

The mission of the Film Enthusiasts Club is to foster a community of like-minded individuals who appreciate the art of filmmaking, encourage the exploration of diverse cinematic genres, and create a space for insightful discussions and analysis of films.

Article III: Membership
Section 1: Eligibility

Membership is open to all individuals who have an interest in cinema, regardless of their background, academic affiliation, or level of expertise.

Section 2: Registration

Interested individuals can become members by attending at least one club meeting and expressing their commitment to the club’s mission.

Article IV: Leadership and Governance
Section 1: Executive Committee

The Film Enthusiasts Club shall be led by an executive committee consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Event Coordinator.

These positions will be elected annually by the members.

Section 2: Responsibilities

– President: Preside over meetings, provide overall leadership, and represent the club.
– Vice President: Support the President and assume their duties in their absence.
– Secretary: Maintain records, handle club correspondence, and keep minutes of meetings.
– Treasurer: Manage club finances and provide financial reports as needed.
– Event Coordinator: Plan and organize weekly screenings, discussions, and other club events.

Article V: Meetings and Activities
Section 1: Regular Meetings

The club shall hold weekly meetings, which include film screenings followed by discussions.

Section 2: Special Events

The club may organize special events, such as film festivals, guest speaker sessions, and field trips, to enhance the cinematic experience for its members.

Article VI: Finances

The club shall operate on a not-for-profit basis. Any funds acquired through donations, dues, or fundraising activities shall be used to cover the costs of screenings, events, and other club-related expenses.

Article VII: Amendments

Amendments to this charter may be proposed by any club member and require a two-thirds majority vote from the members present at a regular meeting for approval.

Article VIII: Dissolution

In the event of the club’s dissolution, any remaining funds or assets shall be donated to a non-profit organization or institution related to the promotion and appreciation of film.

Article IX: Ratification

This charter shall be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of the founding members present at the inaugural meeting.
Date of Ratification: [Insert Date]

Signatures of Founding Members:


This charter is hereby established and ratified on the date mentioned above.

President: [President’s Name]
Vice President: [Vice President’s Name]
Secretary: [Secretary’s Name]
Treasurer: [Treasurer’s Name]
Event Coordinator: [Event Coordinator’s Name]

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Marta Kowalska
Marta Kowalska

Jestem Marta Kowalska, pasjonatka nowych technologii, czytania i gier komputerowych. Od najmłodszych lat fascynowałam się światem komputerów i elektroniki. Moja ciekawość i umiejętność rozwiązywania problemów doprowadziły mnie do zgłębiania tajników programowania już w szkole średniej. Po ukończeniu studiów informatycznych na Uniwersytecie Warszawskim, rozpoczęłam karierę jako programistka w jednej z wiodących firm technologicznych w Polsce.

Artykuły: 10657

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