Understanding the basics
Reading the year in English might seem straightforward, but there are some nuances to be aware of.
In English, the year is typically divided into two parts: the century and the year within that century.
For instance, the year 2024 can be broken down as follows: „20” represents the century (the 2000s) and „24” represents the year within that century.
Forming the year
When expressing a year, it’s common to pronounce each digit individually. For example, 2024 would be pronounced as „twenty twenty-four.”
However, there are exceptions for certain years, particularly those ending in „00.” Instead of saying „twenty hundred,” we say „two thousand.” For instance, the year 2000 is pronounced as „two thousand.”
Decades and centuries
Decades are often referred to by stating the first two digits of the year followed by „s.” For example, the 1980s are often called „the eighties.”
Centuries are named in a similar manner. The 20th century, for instance, refers to the years 1901 to 2000.
Abbreviations and acronyms
When writing years in abbreviated form, it’s common to use an apostrophe to replace the first two digits. For example, 1984 becomes ’84.
Additionally, in informal writing, it’s acceptable to use the last two digits of the year followed by an apostrophe. For instance, 2024 can be written as ’24.
Special cases
There are specific phrases used for certain years. For instance, „the year of our Lord” is often used in formal contexts before the year. For example, „the year of our Lord 2024.”
Moreover, in historical contexts, the abbreviation „CE” (Common Era) and „BCE” (Before Common Era) are sometimes used in place of „AD” (Anno Domini) and „BC” (Before Christ), respectively.
Reading the year in English is a simple yet essential skill. By understanding the conventions for expressing years, you can effectively communicate dates in both written and spoken English.